Kauaerangi Kauri Trail to the Pinnacles, Coromandel


Our guide to the popular Pinnacles Walk in the Coromandel Peninsula

这条路的起点是驮马为淘金者运送补给的路线, 口香糖挖掘机, and kauri loggers who were busy here from the 1870s to the 1920s.  今天, 这条小路上的木梯和吊桥已经部分变得文明了, 但它仍然陡峭而富有挑战性,每个人都会认为走完它是一项成就.

然而真正的回报是在759米的山顶上360度的壮观景色:整个半岛, 分散的岛屿, the sea and Hauraki Gulf beyond, and behind you the Bay of Plenty and Hauraki Plains.

离开泰晤士河, 你关掉沥青封条,沿着砾石路颠簸到13公里外的路尽头, where you will find the Kauaerangi Valley Information Centre.  每天开放, here you can watch a video about kauri logging, read all about the area, 获得建议, 供应, 和点心, and use the facilities.  There's a campground too.  应在提供的洗靴站采取防贝壳杉枯死措施.

主干线, which is well sign-posted, leads up the Kauaerangi River valley, 沿途你还会遇到几个露营地和不同长度的小路,值得改天再去探索.  Once across the first swing bridge, you will soon see the sign to a view of nearby Billygoat Falls, 哪些是180米高的.  Back on the main track, you will start climbing steadily, much of the time up steps cut into the rock for the packhorses.  When you get to the Hydro Camp at the top, you will see evidence of the skids used to move kauri logs, and be equally glad you don't have to do that either.  Bullocks hauled the smaller logs, 伐木者还在河上筑起水坝,然后将大原木冲下山谷.

Now you start to climb along a ridge, 在这里你可以俯瞰山谷和石峰本身, 尖尖的和火山的, and your target for the day.  先从侧道走到现代舒适的尖峰小屋,领取你的铺位,放下你较重的装备.  Or, if you prefer to camp, there's the Dancing Campsite nearby, 你将在哪里看到山谷中第二大水坝部分修复的遗迹.

Now your sights are set on the Pinnacles summit, 你要爬上一段很短但很陡的木制台阶才能到达那里. Then you will have to climb a couple of ladders, and finally scramble up the last section of rock using metal hand-holds.  这是非常值得的,因为一旦你到达了顶部的围栏瞭望区, the views over the Coromandel Forest Park are incredible.  身处世界之巅是一种令人振奋的体验, with steep valleys dropping away below you, vegetation clinging to the rocky cliffs.

Because you can see so far in every direction, it's a popular move to aim to be here for sunset or, 甚至更好的, 日出. 看到那些尖尖的山峰映衬着明亮的天空,是Instagram上的黄金,也是一次难忘的经历.

Back down at the hut, 是时候享受一下这里的设施,和志同道合的人在一起,犒劳自己一顿美餐,早点睡一觉.  在早晨, you can return the same way, 或者选择另一条路线,沿着比利山羊轨道返回,形成一个循环. You will see the falls from the top this time, 并理解为什么伐木工人放弃了这条路线,因为把原木扔到高高的瀑布上会使它们劈开,不经济.  最后, back at the Visitor Centre, 你可以脱下靴子,开始回味这次精彩的散步.


  • Reasonably fit walkers should allow 8 hours to return for the day trip, 而精力不足的人则建议步行3个小时到小屋过夜.  The summit is a further 40 minutes away. 
  • The walk is very popular and the 80-bed DoC hut is in great demand, so be sure to book a place well in advance.
  • Drop off and pick up transport options are available in the Thames.
  • 不要试图从东面进入尖塔,因为那条路比较长,而且条件很差.
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