Auckland Downtown

With the bustling harbour at its centre, Auckland Downtown is a hive of retailing, leisure and big business, 但也有足够的绿色空间来打破一些东西.  As with most harbour cities, all roads lead to the water, 一路上,你可以在几十个顶级餐厅中的一个停下来 restaurants, swanky new bars and leisurely cafes, 坐下来享受奥克兰悠闲的氛围和丰富多彩的文化. 

徒步探索是体验真正的奥克兰市中心的最佳方式.  Shoppers delight can be found in Queen Street, the nearby Britomart 以及衡平法院的高档设计师店.  If you're looking for waterside dining, the Viaduct Harbour and Wynyard Quarter 离码头街的渡轮码头不远吗.

Auckland Downtown Attractions:

沿着皇后街往前走,左转到维多利亚街 Albert Park, an oasis of calm adjacent to Auckland's Art Gallery.  博物馆是免费进入的,非常值得一游,还有一家体面的咖啡馆.  从维多利亚街和联邦街的拐角处俯瞰城市天际线, 328米高的摩天塔在观景台上提供了令人难以置信的360度全景, a casino, bars and restaurants. Thrill seekers can even jump off it with the SkyJump.   

稍远一点的地方,帕内尔是最受欢迎的景点之一 Auckland War Memorial Museum.  From the foot of Queen Street, 步行到博物馆大约需要30分钟,但沿途有很多咖啡馆和餐馆,可以休息一下.

Viaduct Harbour

Viaduct Harbour 是奥克兰人前来观赏和被观赏的地方吗?那里有海滨咖啡馆、酒吧和小酒馆.  There are also numerous upmarket apartments, 居住着富裕的通勤者,当他们没有享受生活时,他们需要一个工作日的城市基地 Waiheke Island.

The Harbour's a huge draw for tourists, too, 没有什么比在海滨漫步更好的了, or falling into an award-winning eatery, 当你看着船在水面上颠簸时.


Just a short walk east from Viaduct Harbour, you'll find one of Auckland's oldest quarters, now home to it's newest retail precinct, the Britomart.  Here, you'll be able to wander around a 6.5 hectare mix of Edwardian buildings, modern high-rises, 维多利亚时代的遗产修复和玻璃幕墙, housing designer shops, bars, restaurants and apartments.

Famous labels sit alongside smaller, eclectic boutiques, 中间有许多时髦的酒吧和餐馆. Come the evenings, Britomart变成了一个时尚的夜生活中心, with pubs, 俱乐部和大量的现场音乐一周七天.  

Wynyard Quarter

在高架桥港和韦斯特海文码头之间是奥克兰的另一个海滨景点, Wynyard Quarter.  Originally a busy port area, along with the rest of the quayside, 该地区已进行翻新,以延伸至高架桥港.  从高架桥海港走过温亚德大桥,你就会来到一个充满活力的酒吧、餐馆和奥克兰鱼市场的现代化地区. 

Queen Street & Shopping

如果你想体验一下奥克兰的一切,那就去 Queen Street, Auckland's main thoroughfare.  它有3公里长,从K路一直延伸到海滨,所以它是一条真正的动脉. 沿着这里,你可以浏览一些单独的、一次性的商店,以及一些更知名的商店. 

在脚下,你会发现许多设计师品牌的商店一起 Commercial Bay这是一个现代化的购物中心,拥有各种各样的零售商店和一个宽敞的食品大厅.  Further up is the premier department store, Smith and Caughey's and close by, the Elliott Stables 'epicurean village', 到处都是手工熟食摊和高档食品店, plus a trendy bar or three.

皇后街也是娱乐区, home to comedy clubs, multiplex cinema, The Civic and Q Theatres, Auckland Town Hall and Aotea Centre.


Check our 'Things To Do,浏览奥克兰的活动详情.